MNK, which has its operation in Cikampek, periodically undertakes numerous social activities, aimed at assisting local communities. MNK’s CSR activities include:
– Community development programs, among others are:
- MNK’s involvement to improve entrepreneurial skills of communities in the vicinity of MNK operation.
- Technical trainings for the betterment of surrounding communities.
– Relation development programs/relations with the public, among others through:
- Partnership with regional government to raise programs efficiency and effectiveness oriented to enhance community’s standard of living.
- Communities’ quality of life improvement, especially in education and sports for students as well as school children and the environment.
To realize this program, In 2019, MNK has constantly and continuously organized CSR programs, such as:
No | Kegiatan I Activities | Lokasi I Locations | Penerima I Recipients |
1. | Donation for the construction or improvement of public facilities such as road repair, bridge construction, construction of mosques/places of worship, orphanage and donation for religious festivities. | Cikampek | Communities surrounding the MNK site, Community organizations, and at certain institution. |
2. | Participated in Idul Adha religious festivity by distributing livestocks for Qurban to the communities around MNK site. | Cikampek, Muara Jawa Kaltim, Timika | Communities in the vicinity of MNK site. |
3. | Donation of school supplies and prayer equipment to orphanage surrounding the MNK site. | Cikampek | Orphanage in the vicinity of MNK site. |
4. | Donation of sports facilities and infrastructure each site within the Company, as well as outsite the Company. | Jakarta, Cikampek, Balikpapan & Handil (Kalimantan Timur) | Employees at the site and communities surrounding the MNK site. |
CSR programs for employees appear to have a positive impact in terms of employees’ performance and productivity. While the CSR program that are oriented to communities around the MNK has raised public awareness on health and education that ultimately passed on a positive image for MNK in the eyes of the community.
MNK Social Responsibility Related to Environment Problems
- The use of environmentally friendly and recyclable raw materials and energy
In improving the efficient use of raw materials and energy, MNK always strive to minimize/reduce the use of energy such as gas, water and electricity.
- MNK waste management system
In 2019, for non-B3 (non dangerous) waste management, MNK collaborates with local entrepreneurs. All non-B3 recycle-able waste is managed by local entrepreneurs, while the B3 dangerous waste is handed over to collectors having the permit from the Ministry of Environment.
- Environmental issues complaints mechanism
In 2019, MNK did not receive any environmental issues complaint. However, MNK continuously communicates its environmental improvement management and monitoring efforts to the managers and related agencies.
- Environmental Certification
MNK has consistently managed to maintain the implementation of ISO14001, and in January 2019, the environmental management system has been successfully re-certified.
MNK spent Rp311,2 million for CSR in 2019, increased by 5,6% compared to that of 2018 amounting to Rp294,5 million.
On June 5, 2024, PT MNK held a Thibbunnabawi Bekam Therapy Skills Training. Visit Instagram for more details