
Blasting services is a part of our integrated solutions to our customers; we provide customized blasting solutions, tailor-made as per customers’ requirements.

As one of the Indonesia’s leading local blasting provider, MNK is proud to be one of the leading names in the Indonesia blasting industry with our expertise, experiences, proven track record. We offer a full range of services, include:

  • DTH (Down The Hole)
  • TLBS (Total Load Blasting Service)
  • Blasting Technical Services and Supports

Down The Hole

DTH is a mining service for explosive activity at mining location covers:

1. Producing explosive material (manually or mobile)
2. Filling explosive material into the hole

• Loading bulk explosive
• To get a practical and quicker hole drilling, PT. MNK also provides an MMU, a mobile unit designed to produce explosive material or bulk explosive at pit.

TLBS (Total Load Blasting Service)

Mining services for blasting at mining location as follows:

1. Producing explosive material (manually or mobile)
2. Filling explosive material into the hole

• Priming (putting in detonator + dynamite)
• Loading bulk explosive

3. Filling with cover materials
4. Assembling explosive material of detonator surface type
5. Shooting

Blasting Technical Services and Supports

It is a service to measure vibrations/explosive effect on environment and to follow-up any complaints from customers related to services given by PT. MNK as follows:

  1. Measurement of vibrations and noise affected by the explosion in a surrounding community
  2. The application of explosives
  3. Consultation with customers related to a highly optimum and safe explosion.
  4. Explosives operators, supervisors, equipment rentals, shot-firing
  5. Training and assessments
  6. Auditing and advice