MNK can provide wide range initiation systems to customers from various brands. We currently mainly import our explosive initiation systems and MNK planned to establish a detonator assembly plant in Handil, East Kalimantan. In future, we might plan to establish our booster assembly and cartridge emulsion plant in Handil.
There are 2 types of detonator that we mainly supply to market i.e. electric detonators and non-electric detonators. We could also provide electronics detonators from various principals. For detonators MNK provide both surface and in-hole detonators with various lengths and selections of delay intervals according to our customers’ needs. MNK import boosters and cartridge emulsion mainly from China and India. We provide various sizes and diameters, mainly 200gr and 400gr of boosters and 32mm x 200mm and 50mm x 200mm cartridge emulsion.
- Detonators; is a device used to trigger an explosive device. Detonators can be chemically, mechanically, or electrically initiated, the latter two being the most common. Many detonators’ primary explosive is a material called ASA compound. This compound is formed from lead azide, lead styphnate and aluminium and is pressed into place above the base charge, usually TNT or tetryl in military detonators and PETN in commercial detonators.
- High Explosive; Cap sensitive product, such as Cartridge / Dynamite, Booster, Power Split and Detonating Cord; all high explosives stored in one magazine.
- Booster; is high explosives compounds such as TNT (trinitrotoluol) and PETN (pentaerythritol tetranitrate), high detonation that use technology of casting and pess effective so that once in execution of detonation use electric detonators or non electric detonator. And can be pledged upon which detonator of mining of underground, open mining and also for construction work.
- Cartridge; is high explosives, there is a very wide range of dynamite compositions based on: nitroglycerine, nitro glycol, nitrocellulose, oxidizing salts, fuel ingredients. The liquid portion of all dynamites consists of a blend of nitroglycerine and nitro glycol, known collectively as ‘NG’. Nitroglycerine is usually the minor % of the two as nitro glycol has a lower freezing point (-22oC), better heat stability and is cheaper. NG content varies from 5-90%.
MNK is currently developing a non-electric detonator assembly plant in our Integrated Explosives Center in Handil, East Kalimantan. Initial production capacity is targeted at 2.3 million pieces of accessories per annum